Friday, December 9, 2011

Chapter 11 The Agricultural Core

Water plays a big role in both Catalina Island's and the Core's geographical history and development, but the Great Lakes are obviously quite different than the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers represent something of the opposite of what Catalina Is. has with its barely seasonal streams.
     The Wrigley family, famous for owning the Chicago Cubs and the famous gum and candy company of the name, hail from Chicago (within the Agricultural Core of course) bought the island in 1917 for 3 million dollars. The island residents would not focus on growing much in the way of crops but focus on hunting and gathering and fishing, and later ranching. They were and still are surrounded by forests of kelp where they can harvest fish, but most food is imported from the mainland in any case. I really enjoy harvesting and eating the wild cherries from endemic trees on the island. It is interesting that one the wealthiest families from the Agricultural Core purchased and minimally developed the island and has conserved most of the island ultimately.

Diving in the Kelp Forest Off Catalina Island

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